We here at RNG are ever happy to proclaim our “millennial-ness”.
We’re a company built by Millennials. We’re always happy to offer our insights as it relates to the millennial culture. We often work with our customers to help them better position themselves for the millennial workforce. Our goal is to help customers not only attract, but retain this valuable, creative, and innovative demographic. And, a big part of our focus in this arena centers around, you guessed it- BENEFITS.
In this blogpost, we’re taking a look at just one of those benefits and offering some insight as to why you/your company should be considering it.
“I really wish my pops had spent less quality time with me.” -No one ever
Yet, when it comes to the topic of paid paternity leave, people still seem to view their leave of absence as less of a necessity. Compared to maternity leave, it is often viewed as a luxury. Old stigmas die hard. There is a certain negative dogma attached to men taking extended amounts of time off to be with their newborn babies.
Oh, “Hey there, traditional gender-roles”.
Nevertheless, many new dads are not afraid to push against these old-school beliefs and are looking to their companies to help them do so.
There is just one problem with this movement, though. The U.S., and more specifically Idaho, is a bit behind in the department of paternal leave laws. According to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), full-time Idaho employees who want to take a leave of absence after a new child enters their home are entitled to up to twelve weeks (480 hours) of unpaid, job protected leave. The keyword being, “unpaid.”
America is the only developed country in the world that doesn’t mandate some form of paid maternity leave.
Therefore, the idea of paid paternity leave is even further fetched.
The idea of implementing paid maternity and paternity leave programs sound expensive. However, upon further examination, it might be more costly to not do so. In a 2013 report by the Human Rights Watch, Janet Walsh, Deputy Women’s Rights Director states, “The US is actually missing out by failing to ensure that all workers have access to paid family leave. Countries that have these programs show productivity gains, reduced turnover costs, and health care savings.” You can read more and take a look at those numbers in the report linked above.
When looking to model companies who are leading the charge and bringing to light the true meaning behind ‘work/life balance’, look no further than Patagonia.
Our neighbors at Business Interiors of Idaho shared this gem awhile back on their Facebook page. We couldn’t be more encouraged by their message. Check it out HERE!
So, sure, when it comes to attracting talent; Ping-Pong tournaments are fun, surf days are encouraged, and bring-your-dog-to-work days are adorable. But when looking at how to really implement a culture that promotes efficiency and camaraderie, perhaps you need to start at the basics. Both maternity and paternity leave are highly impactful for candidates considering a switch. In fact, we see more and more candidates (especially those in the age ranges of 24-36) asking to see copies of benefit plans well ahead of offer consideration. And a part of the considerations that they’re evaluating more and more—you guessed it! Parental Leave!